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  • EA employee on why an EA game sucks

    Posted on October 3rd, 2005 Finster No comments linked to this article written by an EA developer. His insights into Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects are rather interesting, and I’m sure a lot of people are going to put a lot of stock into what he says. I am certainly not a fan of EA, but to be objective, I must take the author to task with this point:

    Now, I loves me some fighting games, and I loves me some superheroes, so I really, really wanted to love Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, but sometimes you just have to face up to the fact that the game just doesn’t give a good sense of being a superhero, or of being a fighter. I played through all of Story Mode, and a couple of versus battles, just to make sure.

    For most fighting games, that amounts to roughly… okay, let me take out my trusty calculator…

    30 minutes playing time. And that’s being generous. I was waiting around at a Halo 2 party for someone to hook up the 2nd TV and Xbox, and busted out a play through of Soul Calibur II’s single-player with Talim and beat in about 5 minutes. Now, if Marvel Nemesis has a mode analogous to SC2’s Weapon Master mode, then, okay, the guy spent a legitimate amount of time on the game. Otherwise, I’d take his article with a grain of salt.

    What I’d really like to see is what Solyd thinks of Marvel Nemesis. He is what I would consider a true connoisseur of fighting games. An aficianado, if you will. Give him a copy of any Street Fighter II incarnation, and he will beat you with any character. You can even choose his character. He will still defeat you. So, there.

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